Please visit our website
for more information:
Annual Membership:
$50 for Single
$60 for Family
$30 for Student (age 18 and under)
Renewing members please login to this website and then visit the "Organization" tab (along the top). The PayPal Button is provided to pay for renewal membership. This button can process payments with your PayPal account or by credit card with Guest Checkout. If you prefer to pay in person or by mail the information is also provided on the organization tab.
If you are requesting new membership, please click the Login button at top right and scroll down to "Create an Account". You will be prompted to enter a Login Name (can be your email), Password of your choice (minimum 8-12 characters), Email, Phone# and alternate Phone#, Member ID (blank - skip), Competing or Associate Membership (suggest Competing if you wish to enter contest). Once this question is answered an email is sent to treasurer to approve your membership. She will watch for payments via PayPal or you can pay in person during our monthly meeting. For a PayPal button for payment please click on the Organization Tab (along the top) and then Choose dropdown for Paypal Button.
This Month's Competition Winning Photos!